Enabling Sustainable Livestock Development: ‘CLEANED’ tool effectively supports Environmental Impact Assessments across 34 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Facilitation tools to enhance the alignment of scientific technical assistance with agribusinesses and create buy-in among key stakeholders: Mutual interview protocol
Facilitation tools to enhance the alignment of scientific technical assistance with agribusinesses and create buy-in among key stakeholders: Communication framework
Advancing climate-smart financial solutions for smallholder farmers: Lessons from the CGIAR Climate Resilience Initiative
Building resilience and greening the economy: Training for the inclusion of climate, peace and security into Zambia's action plan
Building resilient agribusiness: Insights and opportunities from the CGIAR food systems accelerator in East and Southern Africa
Building resilience and greening the economy: Integrating climate, peace, and security into Zambia’s capacity to adapt to climate change
How Zambia’s green growth strategy — And its business sector — Are addressing the risk of climate-induced social instability
Development of climate smart mechanization and irrigation lending product: Business and investment case refinement
The impact of climate-related security risks on community values: Insights from Zambia’s Southern Province