Synthesis Report on Five-Country Institutional Analysis Produced for the CIAT Scoping Study on Soil Research and Management to Enrich Bilateral German Development Cooperation Programs
Participatory evaluation of Guinea yam (Dioscorea cayenensis Lam.–D. rotundata Poir. complex) landraces from Benin and agro-morphological characterization of cultivars tolerant to drought, high soil moisture and chips storage insects
Climate variability and status of the production and diversity of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in the arid zone of northwest Benin
Synthesis report on five country institutional analysis: produced for the CIAT scoping study on soil research and management to enrich bilateral German development cooperation programs
Modelling socioeconomic determinants for cultivation and in-situ conservation of Vitex doniana Sweet (black plum), a wild-harvested economic plant in Benin
Home gardens: an assessment of their biodiversity and potential contribution to conservation of threatened species and crop wild relatives in Benin
Sustainable use and conservation of Vitex doniana Sweet: unlocking the propagation ability using stem cuttings
Enhancing germination and seedling growth in Vitex doniana Sweet for horticultural prospects and conservation of genetic resources
Dietary contribution of wild edible plants to women's diets in the buffer zone around the Lama forest, Benin - an underutilized potential
Agromorphological characterization of elite cassava (Manihot esculenta crantz) cultivars collected in Benin