Les engrais verts et les cultures de couverture au Bénin - informations tirées de la revue littéraire, de l'évaluation agronomique et de la modélisation de la durabilité des systèmes de culture
Improving forage productivity for increased livestock production using biochar and green manure amendments
Trade-offs and synergies of climate change adaptation strategies among smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review
The personal food environment and its influences on the consumption of neglected and underutilised plant species in the region of Atacora (northern Benin)
Ethnobotanical evaluation and agro-morphological of eleven priority plant species for food security in northwestern Benin, northwest Benin.
Adapting Green Innovation Centres to climate change: analysis of value chain adaptation potential. Rice, soybean, and poultry value chains in Alibori, Borgou, Collines, and Zou Departments, Benin
Detection of banana plants and their major diseases through aerial images and machine learning methods: A case study in DR Congo and Republic of Benin
Food for thought: The underutilized potential of tropical tree‐sourced foods for 21st century sustainable food systems
Determining factors associated with breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices in rural Southern Benin
Comparing video and poster based education for improving 6-17 months children feeding practices: a cluster randomized trial in rural Benin: Video versus Poster in nutritional education
Document synthese sur l'acces et le partage des avantages issus de l’utilisation des ressources genetiques (APA) et des connaissances traditionnelles associees au Benin