Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems: Overview of Work Package 4: Advancing and supporting scaling of innovations
Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems: Overview of work package 5: Capacity development for mixed farming systems design and analysis
Communication and Knowledge Management (CKM) in the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative
Summary report from virtual national stakeholder consultation meetings held on the proposed One CGIAR initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion, July-September 2021
Notes from a Nepal virtual stakeholder consultation on a proposed One CGIAR initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion, 9 July 2021
Migration, environmental change and agrarian transition in upland regions: learning from Ethiopia, Kenya and Nepal
Epidemiological factors of septoria tritici blotch (Zymoseptoria tritici) in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum) in the highlands of Wollo, Ethiopia