El metano es un gran problema para el cambio climático, pero los forrajes pueden ayudarnos a reducir las emisiones
Strengthening Climate Resilience in Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Areas of Ethiopia through Advisory and Climate Information Services
Transforming Resilience in Pastoral Areas of Ethiopia: The Launch of a User-Centered Integrated Rangeland and Water Monitoring and Early Warning System in Pastoral areas of Ethiopia
De-risking crop commodity from climate induced risks across Agricultural Commercialization Clusters (ACCs) in Ethiopia
Experience sharing in landscape restoration research in Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Ethiopia
National Ag-Datahub Awareness Creation and Way forward in Strengthening Digitalization of Ethiopian Agriculture
Enabling Agroecological Transitions in Ethiopia: The role of incentives, business models and partnerships. Insights from the PSii kick-off workshop
Empowering Ghana's Agriculture: Customizing Digital Agro-Climate Advisories to Tackle Climate Change Challenges
Landmark Agreement Paves the Way for Sustainable Durum Wheat Production and Livelihood Improvement in Ethiopia
Cultivating science-based solutions at scale: The pledge of the Ethiopian Extension Service on fostering the transition from blanket to tailored fertilizer recommendations for smallholder farmers
Empowering Smallholder Farmers: The Benefits of Bundling Agricultural Recommendations with Insurance, Credit, and Climate Advisory Services