The efficiency of small and medium enterprises in informal metal manufacturing in Zimbabwe: Implications for stakeholders in the agricultural sector
Implementing the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: experiences and achievements of eight countries from around the world
Spatial and temporal dynamics of soil organic carbon in landscapes of the upper Blue Nile Basin of the Ethiopian Highlands
Occurrence and pathogenicity of plant-parasitic nematodes on commonly grown banana cultivars in South Africa
Synthesis Report on Five-Country Institutional Analysis Produced for the CIAT Scoping Study on Soil Research and Management to Enrich Bilateral German Development Cooperation Programs
The impact of integrated agricultural research for development on food security among smallholder farmers of southern Africa
Assessing and improving organic matter, nutrient dynamics and profitability of smallholder farms in Ethiopia and Kenya: proof of concept of using the whole farm model FarmDESIGN for prioritization of GIZ development interventions
Maize water productivity and its relationship to soil properties under integrated cattle manure and mineral-nitrogen fertilizer in a smallholder cropping system