Adoption of Small-Scale Irrigation Farming as a Climate-Smart Agriculture Practice and Its Influence on Household Income in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa
Pathways from research on improved staple crop germplasm to poverty reduction for smallholder farmers
Eastern and Central Africa Bean Research Network (ECABREN): Transformative Bean Research for Investment in Food and Nutrition Security, Business and Wealth Creation
Fostering Food Security and Climate Resilience Through Integrated Landscape Restoration Practices and Rainwater Harvesting/Management in Arid and Semi-arid Areas of Ethiopia
Genome-wide association study of Septoria tritici Blotch resistance in Ethiopian durum wheat landraces
Climate-resilient seed systems and access and benefit-sharing in Zimbabwe: exchanging genetic resources in a changing climate
Survey to assess farmers’ economic perceptions, preferences and decision-making criteria relating to climate-smart soil protection & rehabilitation in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India and Kenya
Economic performance of community based bean seed production and marketing in the central rift valley of Ethiopia