Soil carbon under current and improved land management in Kenya, Ethiopia and India: Dynamics and sequestration potentials
Jiridenw ni legimu (nakɔkɔnɔfɛnw) suguyawn’u sɔrɔ wagati kunafoni walasa ka balocogo ɲuma sabati ni dumuni fɛn suguya caama duniye, Sikaso, Mali
Jiridenw ni legimu (nakɔkɔnɔfɛnw) suguyawn’u sɔrɔ wagati kunafoni walasa ka balocogo ɲuma sabati ni dumuni fɛn suguya caama duniye, Segou, Mali
Mémoire de recherche: La chaine de valeur et le potentiel de marché du voandzou « Tiganikourou » pour renforcer la résilience climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et les revenus des femmes au Mali
Research Brief: Value chain and market potential of fonio to strengthen climate resilience, food security and women’s incomes in Mali
Mémoire de recherche: La chaine de valeur et le potentiel de marché du fonio « Fini » pour renforcer la résilience climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et les revenus des femmes au Mali.
Research Brief: Value chain and market potential of Bambara groundnut to strengthen climate resilience, food security and women’s income in Mali
Mainstreaming Efficient Legume Seed Systems in Eastern Africa: Challenges, opportunities and contributions towards improved livelihoods
Increasing resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change through multiple adoption of proven climate-smart agriculture innovations. Lessons from Southern Africa
Effects of tillage and crop residue management on runoff, soil loss and crop yield in the Humid Highlands of Ethiopia