Exploring Women’s Differentiated Access to Climate-Smart Agricultural Interventions in Selected Climate-Smart Villages of Latin America
Mobilizing crop diversity for climate change adaptation and resilience: Field experiences from Africa
The role of gender and institutional dynamics in adapting seed systems to climate change: case studies from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
Enhancing synergies between gender equality and biodiversity, climate, and land degradation neutrality goals: Lessons from gender-responsive nature-based approaches
COVID-19 challenges to sustainable food production and consumption: Future lessons for food systems in eastern and southern Africa from a gender lens
Examining the barriers to gender integration in agriculture, climate change, food security, and nutrition policies: Guatemalan and Honduran perspectives
Gender and generational dynamics in land restoration amid male outmigration – Evidence from Burkina Faso
Estrategia de género e inclusión social para la cadena de valor de frutas en la región Golfo de Fonseca, Honduras