Potential for producing and commercializing orange-fleshed sweetpotato and high-iron bean in selected regions of Kenya. A situational study report
Climate impact of improved genetic resources from a novel beef production system in the Colombian Orinoquia
Nitrogen use efficiency and N₂O emissions of three tropical forage grasses fertilized with different nitrogen rates
Nitrogen cycling and N₂O emissions in Brachiaria-based grass-alone pastures and silvopastoral systems in a grazing trial in Colombia
Yield gap analysis to identify attainable productivities and greenhouse gas emissions reductions in Colombian cattle systems
Climate change effects on pathogen emergence: Artificial intelligence to translate big data for mitigation
El Observatorio del arroz: curso de capacitación sobre fitomejoramiento convencional y semillas de arroz biofortificado
Adoption of common bean technologies and its impacts on productivity and household welfare in Ethiopia: Lessons from tropical legumes project
Review of Policies and Frameworks on Climate Change, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security in Eastern Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda
In vitro methane production and ruminal fermentation parameters of tropical grasses and grass-legume associations commonly used for cattle feeding in the tropics