Introducing FAN, the Forage Africa Network to strengthen collaboration between forage scientists in Africa
Predictive modeling of nutritional quality in Urochloa pastures from multispectral sensors and images using machine learning approaches
Comparison of the use of multispectral orthomosaics and RGB panoramic images for plant cover calculation in Urochloa hybrids
Identification of promising genotypes of Megathyrsus maximus with shade tolerance for use in breeding programs
Integrating spatial analysis and machine learning approaches into the protocol for assessing spittlebug (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) resistance in Urochloa sp.
Use of machine learning approaches for quantification of red spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) damage in Urochloa sp.
Cost-benefit analysis Canavalia brasiliensis hay supplementation in Colombian dual-purpose cattle systems
Assessment of cassava diversity by DNA fingerprinting: Breeding tool to conserve diversity and reduce redundancy in germplasm collections
Identification, conservation and formation of a bank of strains quarantine fungi Isolated from beans seeds and tropical forages, from the germplasm bank "Future Seeds"
Implementation of real-time PCR for quantitative diagnosis of Cassava common mosaic virus in cassava germplasm (Manihot sculenta Crantz)