Short introduction to a proposed One CGIAR initiative on 'ActioNs for Innovative climate change Mitigation and Adaptation of Livestock Systems' (ANIMALS)
Notes from a Vietnam virtual stakeholder consultation on two proposed One CGIAR initiatives on 'Protecting Human Health through a One Health Approach' and on 'Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion', 30 July…
Notes from a Tanzania virtual stakeholder consultation on two proposed One CGIAR initiatives on 'Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion' and on 'Livestock, Climate Change and Resilience', 28 July 2021
Notes from a Uganda virtual stakeholder consultation on two proposed One CGIAR initiatives on 'Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion' and on 'ActioNs for Innovative climate change Mitigation and Adaptation…
CLEANED ex-ante environmental impact assessment of pig production systems in Uganda: Baseline validation workshop report
Digging deeper to define the physiological responses to environmental stress: The case of common bean and brachiaria grasses
GANSO: New business model and technical assistance for the professionalization of sustainable livestock farming in Colombia
Correlation between genetic architecture of Fe and Zn accumulation and yield components in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Using bean populations derived from P. acutifolius to advance toward generation of new bean varieties and discerning the traits and genetic base associated to heat tolerance
Nutritional evaluation of tropical forage grass alone and grass-legume diets to reduce in vitro methane production
Maize-Brachiaria intercropping: A strategy to supply recycled N to maize and reduce soil N₂O emissions?