Trade-offs between food security and forest exploitation by mestizo households in Ucayali, Peruvian Amazon
Large genetic diversity for fine-flavor traits unveiled in cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) with special attention to the native Chuncho variety in Cusco, Peru
Exploring a gender-responsive asset-based approach to enhance the transformative potential of value chain development in Guatemala, India and Peru
Identification of a torradovirus-encoded protein that complements the systemic movement of a potexvirus lacking the TGB3 gene
¿Qué facilita o limita las relaciones comerciales incluyentes con pequeños productores? Análisis de tres casos en América Latina
Evaluación de la distribución espacial de la biodiversidad de papa en los distritos de Challabamba en Cusco y Quilcas en Junín mediante el uso del mapeo participativo = Assessment of the spatial distribution of potato biodiversity in the districts…
Hunters and hunting across indigenous and colonist communities at the forestagriculture interface: an ethnozoological study from the Peruvian Amazon
Measuring and Assessing Impacts of Fair Trade for All on farmers, farmworkers and the overall Fair Trade Market System (Peru)