Évaluation du potentiel prolifératif de six cultivars de bananier (cv. AAB, ABB, et AAA) par macropropagation en République Démocratique du Congo.
Model-Based Assessment of Grazing Impact on Soil Organic Carbon Stocks and Dynamics of a Kenyan Rangeland
Banana and plantain production systems in Benin: ethnobotanical investigation, varietal diversity, pests, and implications for better production
The role of agrobiodiversity in strengthening the resilience of small-scale farmers: biophysical and economic trends towards 2050
Accessing genetic diversity for food security and climate change adaptation in select communities in Africa
Crossbreeding east African highland bananas: lessons learnt relevant to the botany of the crop after 21 years of genetic enhancement
Morphotype diversity of Corchorus olitorius and influence of agricultural practices on its potential major pest insects
Pesticide use practices in root, tuber, and banana crops by smallholder farmers in Rwanda and Burundi
Agricultural transformation in Rwanda: Can Gendered Market Participation Explain the Persistence of Subsistence Farming?