Construction and EST sequencing of full-length, drought stress cDNA libraries for common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Comparative study of earthworm communities, microbial biomass, and plant nutrient availability under 1-year Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp and Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet cultivations versus natural regrowths in a guinea savanna zone
Biofortified black beans in a maize and bean diet provide more bioavailable iron to piglets than standard black beans
Anthracnose of Stylosanthes capitata: Implications for future disease evaluations of indigenous tropical pasture legumes
Genetic diversity and symbiotic efficiency of legume nodulating bacteria from different land use systems in taita taveta , kenya
Identification of cultivars of the forage legume Pueraria phaseoloides by electrophoretic patterns of storage proteins
Growth responses of tropical forage plant species to vesicular- arbuscular mycorrhizae. 1. Growth, mineral uptake and mycorrhizal dependency