Economic analysis of PABRA-led projects in Burundi and Zimbabwe: Application of cost-benefit analysis approach
Prototipos de productos alimenticios más nutritivos con la inclusión de harinas de fríjol, maíz y batata
Group-based and citizen science on-farm variety selection approaches for bean growers in Central America
Producción de frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) con enfoque de agricultura de conservación bajo las condiciones del Caribe seco colombiano
Mid-term evaluation of the Improving Bean Productivity and Markets in Africa (IBPMA) project in Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia
Demand-led system approaches boost early generation seed production and enhance common bean seed and grain supply in Zambia
Identification of competitive high yielding and stress tolerant demand-driven common bean varieties for key agro -ecologies and cropping systems in East and Southern Africa