What is the underlying structure of the climate, conflict, and socio-economic system in Sudan? A network analysis
Trade-offs and synergies of climate change adaptation strategies among smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review
Population genomics of the widespread African savannah trees Afzelia africana and Afzelia quanzensis reveals no significant past fragmentation of their distribution ranges
Surveillance and diagnostics dataset on Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus (Fam. Geminiviridae) and CMD in Thailand
Eastern and Central Africa Bean Research Network (ECABREN): Transformative Bean Research for Investment in Food and Nutrition Security, Business and Wealth Creation
Meetings of the CIAT Regional Programme on Beans in Eastern Africa. Annual Meeting (1993, Nairobi, Kenya). Minutes of steering committee
Biological and cultural diversity: the role of indigenous agricultural experimentation in development
Influencing change: mainstreaming gender perspectives in agricultural research and development in Eastern and Central Africa