Adoption of Small-Scale Irrigation Farming as a Climate-Smart Agriculture Practice and Its Influence on Household Income in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa
Farm types and adoption of proven innovative practices in smallholder bean farming in Angonia district of Mozambique
Awareness and adoption of land,soil and water conservation practices in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa
The impact of adoption of conservation agriculture on smallholder farmers’ food security in semi-arid zones of southern Africa
Smallholder Farmers’ Perceptions on Climate Change and the Use of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa
Private sector-led bean partnerships in Africa: researchers in the Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) are breeding new beans with market-driven traits for canning, faster cooking and improved nutrition
Relearning traditional knowledge for sustainability: honey gathering in the Miombo Woodland of Northern Mozambique
Relearning traditional knowledge for sustainability: honey gathering in the Miombo Woodland of Northern Mozambique
Relearning traditional knowledge for sustainability: honey gathering in the Miombo Woodland of Northern Mozambique