Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems: Overview of Work Package 4: Advancing and supporting scaling of innovations
Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems: Overview of work package 5: Capacity development for mixed farming systems design and analysis
Communication and Knowledge Management (CKM) in the Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems Initiative
Improving efficiency of knowledge and technology diffusion using community seed banks and farmer-to-farmer extension: experiences from Malawi
"How To" manual for informing crop wild relative conservation and use benefit-sharing mechanism design and implementation
Cost-benefit analysis of prioritized climate adaptation strategies among smallholder farmers: Evidence from selected value chains across sub-Saharan Africa
Caso 2: Impacto de la adopcion de variedades mejoradas de arroz en Ecuador (2014-2019) [Presentation]
Diversity for Nutrition and Enhanced Resilience (DiNER) Fairs and Voucher Programming: Evaluation and learning in the Southern Africa Region
Assessment of smallholder farmers’ awareness of bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) and management practices in central and northern Malawi: Implications for resistance breeding
Productivity of newly released common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties under sole cropping and intercropping with maize (Zea mays L.)
Climate suitability predictions for the cultivation of macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia) in Malawi using climate change scenarios