Dataset on soil carbon dioxide fluxes from an incubation with tropical peat from three different land-uses in Jambi Sumatra Indonesia
Are tree seed systems for forest landscape restoration fit for purpose? An analysis of four Asian countries
Spatio-Temporal Variability of Peat CH4 and N2O Fluxes and Their Contribution to Peat GHG Budgets in Indonesian Forests and Oil Palm Plantations
How does replacing natural forests with rubber and oil palm plantations affect soil respiration and methane fluxes?
Potential economic and nutritional benefits of complex rice systems for small-scale farmers in West Sumatra, Indonesia
Who bears the burden of climate variability? A comparative analysis of the impact of weather conditions on inequality in Vietnam and Indonesia
Wild food plants and trends in their use: from knowledge and perceptions to drivers of change in West Sumatra, Indonesia
Fertilizer management in smallholder cocoa farms of Indonesia under variable climate and market prices
Vietnam and Indonesia daily climate data (precipitation and temperature) per sub-geographical units 2000-2018
Linking soil respiration and water table depth in tropical peatlands with remotely sensed changes in water storage from the gravity recovery and climate experiment
The response of soil respiration to climatic drivers in undrained forest and drained oil palm plantations in an Indonesian peatland