Overcoming constraints of scaling: Critical and empirical perspectives on agricultural innovation scaling
The effect of climate-smart agriculture on soil fertility, crop yield, and soil carbon in Southern Ethiopia
Understanding the link between the Productive Safety Net Program and agrobiodiversity cultivation in Ethiopia
Estimating spatially distributed SOC sequestration potentials of sustainable land management practices in Ethiopia
Targeting SLM technologies across landscapes: a framework to facilitate matching SLM technologies with landscape conditions and generate evidences
Enhancing Soil Carbon in East Africa: The biophysical evidence, socio-economic incentives, and policy implications
Project: "Scaling up Soil Carbon Enhancement for Food Security and Climate Across Complex Landscapes in Kenya and Ethiopia": Dissemination Workshop presentations.
Multi-dimensional benefits and trade-offs of improved forage grass adoption in SNNPR Region in Ethiopia
How are smallholder households coping with and adapting to climate-related shocks in Doyogena climate-smart landscapes, Ethiopia?