Diversification Patterns of Mixed Crop-Livestock Production in Smallholder Farming Systems and Its Implication for Household Food Security: The Case in Gudo Beret Watershed, North Shewa, Central Highlands of Ethiopia
A critical analysis of soil (and water) conservation practices in the Ethiopian Highlands: implications for future research and modeling
A Dutch entrepreneurial development bank is using a risk assessment tool developed by the alliance with its clients.
More than 1300 Food System Actors in seven countries engaged in the cocreation of agroecological innovations for promoting effective and sustainable agroecological transitions in the first year of implementation of the CGIAR initiative on Agroecology
Tailored, climate-informed and location-specific agro-advisory services in the highlands of Ethiopia increased smallholder farmers’ wheat grain yields and profitability
Are climate and environment- and peace and security-related policy outputs coherent? A policy coherence and awareness analysis for climate security
A science-based investment due diligence & screening methodology co-developed with Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) to assess CSA impact in their $20 million agribusiness in Africa window round 2 program
The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) endorses creation of a regional network for the conservation and use of crop wild relatives
Characterizing patterns of seasonal drought stress for use in common bean breeding in East Africa under present and future climates
High-density DArTSeq SNP markers revealed wide genetic diversity and structured population in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm in Ethiopia
Data for decision-making for sustainable food systems transformation in the Eastern Cape of South Africa: what is needed ?
Delivering tree genetic resources in forest and landscape restoration. A guide to ensuring local and global impact
Why “formal” climate adaptation strategies fail in sub‐Saharan Africa: Ignoring adapters’ agency in the case of smallholding agriculture farming practices in Bono East Region of Ghana