In situ monitoring system in the dry corridor of Guatemala through the establishment of a digital agricultural plot
Climate-informed agronomic advisories for maize in Colombia: Progress report for the Excellence in Agronomy (EiA) initiative Latin America Use Case
Assessing and advancing gender equality in agrifood value chains: A toolkit for firms and voluntary sustainability systems
Co-designing and testing delivery channels for a high-frequency data collection system to inform near real-time decision -making in food systems in Guatemala
Aplicación del diseño centrado en el humano para la generación y difusión de servicios agroclimáticos en Honduras
Human-centered design: An approach to capacity building and co-design of inclusive tools for the Central American agricultural sector
Establishment of a participatory framework for the training of professionals with the ICESI university.
Terra-i+ - Leverage local knowledge and satellite data to perform high-precision mapping of agroforestry systems