Acceptability and safety of novel infant porridges containing lyophilized meat powder and iron-fortified wheat flour
Vincular bancos de germoplasma y pequenos productores con mercados de alto valor - El ejemplo de la diversidad de Capsicum en Peru y Bolivia
La polinización natural en el maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. Flavicarpa Degener) como un servicio reproductivo y ecosistémico
Knowledge management strengthens decision making: The case of the "Knowledge Center for Assessing Vulnerability to and Impact of Climate Change on the Andes of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru"
Mapping genetic diversity of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.): application of spatial analysis for conservation and use of plant genetic resources
Collective action dynamics under external rewards: experimental insights from Andean farming communities
Cost-effectiveness targeting under multiple conservation goals and equity considerations in the Andes
How to achieve fairness in payments for ecosystem services? Insights from agrobiodiversity conservation auctions
Mecanismos de pago por servicios ambientales en la región de Moyabamba Perú: Estudio piloto microcuencas miskiyacu y rumiyacu
Race structure within the Mesoamerican gene pool of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as determined by microsatellite markers