Effect of sward attributes on legume selection by oesophageal-fistulated and non-fistulated steers grazing a tropical grass-legume pasture
Effect of excess water in an oxisol on ammonium, nitrate, iron and manganese availability and nutrient uptake of two tropical forage species
Economic damage caused by spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) in Colombia: A first approximation of impact on animal production in Brachiaria decumbens pastures
Detecting bacterial endophytes in tropical grasses of the Brachiaria genus and determining their role in improving plant growth
A comparative study on plant growth and root plasticity responses of two Brachiaria forage grasses grown in nutrient solution at low and high phosphorus supply
Effect of season, soil type and fertilizer on the biomass production and chemical composition of five tropical shrub legumes with forage potential
Current and future opportunities for introduced forages in smallholder farming systems in south-east Asia
Constraints, feeding, strategies and opportunities to improve productivity and income in milk production systems in Olancho, Honduras