Curso de pastos: manual curso de investigación en producción y utilización de forrajes en suelos ácidos e infértiles del trópico
The CIAT collection of tropical forages. 1. Catalog of germplasm from Southeast Asia = La colección de forrajeras tropicales del CIAT. 1. Catálogo de germoplasma de Asia Suroriental
RETA 5866: fourth agriculture and natural resources research at CGIAR centers: developing sustainable forage technologies for resource-poor upland farmers in Asia: Forages for Smallholders Project: Six-monthly report, 1 July-31 December 2002
Selección y evaluación de pastos tropicales en condiciones de alta concentración de aluminio y bajo contenido de fósforo disponible [conjunto audiotutorial]
RETA 5866: fourth agriculture and natural resources research at CGIAR centers: developing sustainable forage technologies for resource-poor upland farmers in Asia: Forages for Smallholders Project: Six-monthly report, 1 July-31 December 2001
RETA 5866: fourth agriculture and natural resources research at CGIAR centers: developing sustainable forage technologies for resource-poor upland farmers in Asia: Forages for Smallholders Project: Six-monthly report, 1 January-30 June 2002
RETA 5866: fourth agriculture and natural resources research at CGIAR centers: developing sustainable forage technologies for resource-poor upland farmers in Asia: Forages for Smallholders Project phase-II, six-monthly report, 1 January-31 June 2001