Adaptive attributes of tropical forage species to acid soils. III. Differences in phosphorus acquisition and utilization as influenced by varying phosphorus supply and soil type
Differences in tolerance to infertile acid soil stress among germplasm accessions and genetic recombinants of the tropical forage grass genus, Brachiaria
Selection and breeding for acid-soil tolerance in crops: Upland rice and tropical forages as case studies
Adaptive attributes of tropical forage species to acid soils I. Differences in plant growth, nutrient acquisition and nutrient utilization among C4 grasses and C3 legumes
Potential farm to landscape level impact and adoption of forage technologies in smallholder dairy production systems in Tanga, Tanzania
Developing tools to quantify sustainability of intensive and extensive ruminant farming systems in Sub-Saharan East Africa
Influencing factors for adoption of forage technologies in smallholder dairy systems in Lushoto, Tanzania