Journal Article

Proteja su cosecha de frijol contra el ataque de los gorgojos

Information on bruchids on bean grain (Zabrotes subfasciatus and Acanthoscelides obtectus) is given for farmers, explaining aspects such as: oviposition behavior, morphological characteristics of the adult, type of damage, and adaptation to temp. Practices to avoid or prevent damage by bruchids are also described, along with control measures at different levels (household, on-farm, and commercial) and some recommendations are given on the precautions to be taken when managing insecticides. To protect the grain at a household level, it is recommended to apply 3-5 ml of vegetable oil/kg of beans; in warehouses, the application of aluminum phosphide and methyl bromide in tablets is recommended, 4 tablets/t of grain. Beans preserved in oil maintain their culinary quality and germination ability for up to 6 mo. (CIAT)