Journal Article

Molecular characterization by AFLPs of Capsicum germplasm from the Amazon department in Colombia, characterization by AFLPs of Capsicum

Using AFLPs, 71 peppers (Capsicum) accessions from the species C. chinense Jacq., C. baccatum L., C. annuum L. and C. frutescens L. from indigenous communities of the Amazon Department (Colombia) were studied to assess the genetic diversity of the collections, and delineate species gene groups. Ten additional accessions were included as a reference species group. Three clusters were identified in the Amazonian accessions by Multiple Correspondence Analyses (MCA) and a dendrogram from the UPGMA analyses of Nei Li genetic similarity. The clusters correspond to gene groups of the species Capsicum chinense (the majority of the accessions), C. baccatum and the complex annuum - frutescens. A fourth cluster corresponds to the reference accession C. pubescens. The MCA analyses accounted for 95% of the total variation. The total genetic variation was low (Ht 0.119) and a genetic diversity index (Gst) of 0.331 was obtained. This suggests a limited genetic diversity of the accessions and a close relatedness of the species. This study is the first molecular marker assessment of genetic diversity for peppers from the Colombian Amazon, and provides information of biodiversity that can be employed in the preservation and use of Capsicum germplasm.