Conference Paper

La participacion de los agricultores en la evaluacion de ensayos

In order to determine how convenient farmer participation is in the different trial types (var., bean vs. maize var., seed treatment, cylce shortening, fertilization, inoculation and verification) planted in south Narino (Colombia) in 1985B, a survey of 28 farmers was conducted at the time beans were being harvested to carry out the most systematic evaluation, determine which activities require more decision power from the farmer, and improve these aspects. Farmer's decision regarding var. selection depends on the existing markets on which the farmer has no individual influence. The early evaluation by the farmer of the technologies being tested is important to get the farmer's opinion and identify acceptability limitations due to management problems. The presence of farmers during planting determines the later understanding of the different technologies being tested. There must be a 100 percent participation of the farmer in both planting and harvesting. In general, the treatments identified as best by the growers were the best in a yield hierarchy. (CIAT)