
Granos andinos: avances, logros y experiencias desarrolladas en quinua, cañihua y kiwicha en Perú

This book summarizes scientific advances, results and experiences on Andean Grains, in the context of a multidisciplinary and inter-sector UN Programme, supported by IFAD (‘IFAD NUS II Project’) and implemented in Peru in the last decade. The publication is a useful analysis of challenges and opportunities across the value chain of Andean Grains in Peru and how these have been addressed through community-based and highly participatory value chain approaches. The document describes latest findings on the status of Andean Grains in Peru, their distribution on the territory, genetic erosion, collecting, ex situ and in situ conservation, improved cultivation techniques, harvest and post harvest methods, value addition methods, nutritional profiles of raw and processed products, enhanced marketing and policy frameworks needed for their sustainable and more equitable use. Attention is given to innovative in situ/on farm conservation methods such as the organization of Biodiversity Fairs, agritourism approach and other community-based initiatives meant to support the role of custodian farmers. This publication is highly recommended for agencies and workers engaged in promoting Andean Grains in Peru and other countries of Latin America where these crops are increasingly being recognized as strategic livelihood assets to fight poverty and nutrition insecurity in a climate changing scenario.