Using optimized monochromatic energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence to determine the cadmium concentration in cacao and soil samples
Economic impact of canavalia brasiliensis hay supplementation in beef cattle farming in the Colombian Caribbean.
Protocols for innovative agroecological soil, water and integrated pest management practices: Management techniques, trials establishment and monitoring
Aumento de semillas de phaseolus albicarminus (Leguminosae, Phaseoleae) mediante técnicas de propagación asexual
What evidence exists relating the impact of different grassland management practices to soil carbon in livestock systems ? A systematic map protocol
Maize-grain zinc and iron concentrations as influenced by agronomic management and biophysical factors: a meta-analysis
Research agenda for holistically assessing agricultural strategies for human micronutrient deficiencies in east and southern Africa
Integrating meta-analysis and experts’ knowledge for prioritizing climate-smart agricultural practices in Ethiopian
Fusarium tropical race 4 in Latin America and the Caribbean: Status and global research advances towards disease management
Who does technology serve? A critical analysis of sociocultural factors shaping opportunities, practices and barriers faced by a smallholders in south-western Colombia