Breaking Barriers to Adoption: A Multi-Stakeholder Platform Approach to Promoting Improved Common Bean Varieties among Farmers in Malawi
Traditional soil fertility management ameliorates climate change impacts on local andean crops within smallholder farming systems
Capacity development on feeds and forages, manure management and animal health techniques for farmers in Mai Son District, Son La Province
Establishing AICCRA demonstration fields to improve adoptive capabilities of farmers to address climate change in the Kumbungu District of the northern region of Ghana – A field day
Evaluation of improved forages for improved livestock nutrition and productivity in the northwest highlands of Vietnam
Understanding farmer options, context and preferences leads to the co-design of locally relevant agroecological practices for soil, water and integrated pest management: A case from Kiambu and Makueni agroecology living landscapes, Kenya
Laser-induced graphene electrochemical sensor for quantitative detection of phytotoxic aluminum ions (Al3+) in soils extracts