Enhancing sustainable intensification in Ethiopia through landscape restoration interventions: The sustainable intensification assessment framework approach
Agroecology and gender: Level of involvement of women and young people in agroecological farms in the Fatick department
Stability of grain zinc concentrations across lowland rice environments favors zinc biofortification breeding
Assessing the protistan functional diversity in soil and roots of common crops in Sapa district, Lao Cai province, Vietnam
Integrated homegarden intensification in Lemmo and Doyogena Districts, Central Ethiopia Regional State
Soil organic carbon increase on conversion of native savanna to improved pasture in two regions of Colombia
Does landscape diversity and organic cultivation practices support biodiversity that render crucial ecosystem services?
CSA and CIS technologies portfolio: Access and use. A portfolio of the CSA & CIS innovations accessed and used by small -scale farmers in Kenya under the AICCRA project
Baseline Survey Data on Crop Insurance Uptake and Agricultural Practices Among Smallholder Farming Households in Kenya.