Decision support tools for site-specific fertilizer recommendations and agricultural planning in selected countries in sub-Sahara Africa
Genetic mitigation strategies to tackle agricultural GHG emissions: The case for biological nitrification inhibition technology
Communicating complexity: Integrated assessment of trade-offs concerning soil fertility management within African farming systems to support innovation and development
Linking soil respiration and water table depth in tropical peatlands with remotely sensed changes in water storage from the gravity recovery and�climate experiment
Inheritance of Striga hermonthica adaptive traits in an early?maturing white maize inbred line containing resistance genes from Zea diploperennis
Forage legumes for improved fallows in agropastoral systems of subhumid West Africa. II. Green manure production and decomposition after incorporation into the soil
Current and residual effects of compost and inorganic fertilizer on wheat and soil chemical properties
Total and heterotrophic soil respiration in a swamp forest and oil palm plantations on peat in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Mapping Soil Properties of Africa at 250 m Resolution: Random Forests Significantly Improve Current Predictions
Pushing the envelope? Maize production intensification and the role of cattle manure in recovery of degraded soils in smallholder farming areas of Zimbabwe