Differential entry points to address complex natural resource constraints in the highlands of Eastern Africa
Land Use, Land Use History, and Soil Type Affect Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes From Agricultural Landscapes of the East African Highlands
Soil structural degradation and nutrient limitations across land use categories and climatic zones in Southern Africa
Spatial variability of soil N2O and CO2fluxes in different topographic positions in a tropical montane forest in Kenya
Forage legumes for improved fallows in agropastoral systems of subhumid West Africa. I. Establishment, herbage yield and nutritive value of legumes as dry season forage
Simulating phosphorus responses in annual crops using APSIM: model evaluation on contrasting soil types
Earthworms, soil fertility and aggregate-associated soil organic matter dynamics in the Quesungual agroforestry system
Maize crop residue uses and trade-offs on smallholder crop-livestock farms in Zimbabwe: Economic implications of intensification
Organic and Clay-Based Soil Amendments Increase Maize Yield, Total Nutrient Uptake, and Soil Properties in Lao PDR
Will CO2 Emissions from Drained Tropical Peatlands Decline Over Time? Links Between Soil Organic Matter Quality, Nutrients, and C Mineralization Rates
Potential for biological nitrification inhibition to reduce nitrification and N2O emissions in pasture crop?livestock systems