Effect of integrated soil fertility management interventions on the abundance and diversity of soil collembola in Embu and Taita districts, Kenya
Phosphate rock utilization by soybean genotypes on a low-P savanna soil and the status of soil P fractions after a subsequent maize crop
Policy framework for utilization and conservation of below-ground biodiversity in Kenya = Estrategias para la utilización y conservación de la biodiversidad del subsuelo en Kenia
Analysis of root-knot nematode early infection events in tomato colonized by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae
Common beans, biodiversity, and multiple stresses: challenges of drought resistance in tropical soils
Root and soil carbon distribution at shoulderslope and footslope positions of temperate toposequences cropped to winter wheat
Organic and clay-based soil amendments increase maize yield, total nutrient uptake, and soil properties in Lao PDR
Effects of zero tillage and residue retention on soil quality in the mediterranean region of Northern Syria
Local soil knowledge and its use in crop allocation: Implications for landscape-scale agricultural production and conservation efforts in Talamanca, Costa Rica