Agrarian change and the changing relationships between toil and soil in Maragoli, Western Kenya (1900-1994)
Agricultural management affects earthworm and termite diversity across humid to semi-arid tropical zones
Advancing human nutrition without degrading land resources through modeling cropping systems in the Ethiopian highlands
Abundance and diversity of soil mites (Acari) along a gradient of land use types in Taita Taveta, Kenya
A staggered maize-legume intercrop arrangement robustly increases crop yields and economic returns in the highlands of Central Kenya
A field evaluation using the (15)N isotope dilution method of lines of Phaseolus vulgaris L. bred for increased nitrogen fixation
Physiological and molecular analysis of the interaction between aluminium toxicity and drought stress in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Effect of soil fertility management practices and bacillus subtilis on plant parasitic nematodes associated with common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris
Molecular characterization and identification of biocontrol isolates of Trichoderma harzianum from Embu District, Kenya
Pest status of bean stem maggot (ophiomyia spp.) and black bean aphid (aphis fabae) in taita district, Kenya