Maize growth and production as influenced by earthwormbased integrated soil fertility management in tropical agroecosystems
Growth responses of tropical forage plant species to vesicular- arbuscular mycorrhizae. 1. Growth, mineral uptake and mycorrhizal dependency
Haricot bean agroecology in Ethiopia: Definition using agroclimatic and crop growth simulation models
Getting the focus right: production constraints for six major food crops in Asian and African farming systems
Green manures for maize-bean systems in eastern Uganda: Agronomic performance and farmers' perceptions
Genetic transformation of the tropical forage legume Stylosanthes guianensis with a rice-chitinase gene confers resistance to Rhizoctonia foliar blight disease
Forage legumes for improved fallows in agropastoral systems of subhumid West Africa. II. Green manure production and decomposition after incorporation into the soil
Facilitating participatory processes for policy change in natural resource management : Lessons from the highlands of southwestern Uganda
Farmer participatory evaluation of legume cover crop and biomass transfer technologies for soil fertility improvement using farmer criteria, preference ranking and logit regression analysis
Factors shaping on-farm genetic resources of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] in the centre of diversity, Ethiopia