Analysis of Andean blackberry (Rubus glaucus) production models obtained by means of artificial neural networks exploiting information collected by small-scale growers in Colombia and publicly available meteorological data
Agronomic use efficiency of N fertilizer in maize-based systems in sub-Saharan Africa within the context of integrated soil fertility management
Effect of supplementing tropical tannin-free and tanniniferous legumes to grass-fed sheep on the utility of their manure as nitrogen fertiliser
Quantitative trait locus analysis of seed phosphorus and seed phytate content in a recombinant inbred line population of common bean
Influence of soil chemical and physical properties on occurrence of Trichoderma spp. in Embu, Kenya = Influencia de las propiedades químicas y físicas del suelo sobre la ocurrencia de Trichoderma spp. en Embu, Kenia
Cover crop and nitrogen effects on maize productivity in no-tillage systems of the Brazilian cerrados
Farmers knowledge, attitudes and practices (kap) in Embu and Taita benchmark sites before and after below-ground biodiversity project interventions
Genetic diversity and symbiotic efficiency of legume nodulating bacteria from different land use systems in taita taveta , kenya
Atributos morfológicos y fisiológicos de genotipos de Brachiaria en un suelo con bajo fósforo disponible y alta saturación de aluminio = Morphologic and physiological attributes of Brachiaria genotypes in soil with low available phosphorus and high…