Unlocking sustainable livestock production potential in the Colombian Amazon through paddock division and gender inclusivity
Nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization and their corresponding monetary values under long‐term integrated soil fertility management practices
Performance comparison of sorghum varieties treated with NP and NPSZn fertilizers in the Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia
Coordinated implementation of climate-smart practices in coffee farming increases benefits at farm, landscape and global scale
Reference soil groups map of Ethiopia based on legacy data and machine learning-technique: EthioSoilGrids 1.0
Preparing Colombian coffee production for climate change: Integrated spatial modelling to identify potential robusta coffee (Coffea canephora P.) growing areas
Constructing A Climate-Smart readiness index for smallholder farmers: The case of prioritized bundles of climate information services and climate smart agriculture in Ghana
Biological soil health indicators are sensitive to shade tree management in a young cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) production system
Coupling remote sensing and eDNA to monitor environmental impact: A pilot to quantify the environmental benefits of sustainable agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon
A biophysical suitability model to identify best areas for the cultivation of potential cash crops: The case of basil in Valle del Cauca
Biochar as soil amendment in climate-smart agriculture: Opportunities, future prospects, and challenges
Influence of farmyard manure application on potential zinc solubilizing microbial species abundance in a ferralsol of Western Kenya