Nature positive solutions for shifting agrifood systems to more resilient and sustainable pathways (Work Package 3: Restore)
Bundled agroecological cacao production practices: fertilizer and sustainable practices training benefits over 200 organic producers.
Monitoring report on fertilizer validation trials under the Kenya fertilizer access and nutrient use efficiency program
Feasibility of biochar technology to support the sustainable intensification and decarbonization of cocoa production in West-Africa
CGIAR Initiative on Agroecology: Technical report on the types, availability, quantities and spatial distribution of organic resources in Kiambu and Makueni Counties
CGIAR Initiative on Agroecology: Stakeholder inception workshop report on mapping organic resources in Kiambu and Makueni Counties
Genetic diversity and candidate genes for transient waterlogging tolerance in mungbean at the germination and seedling stages
Phenotypic variation and association of agronomic traits in tepary bean genotypes under drought-stress and non-stress conditions