Diversifying local agriculture: Agricultural diversity on smallholder farms and in local markets in Western Kenya
Diversifying local diets: nutrition education for mothers/caregivers improved the diversity of complementary foods of children in Western Kenya
Thinking outside the plot: addressing low adoption of sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa
Modelling socioeconomic determinants for cultivation and in-situ conservation of Vitex doniana Sweet (black plum), a wild-harvested economic plant in Benin
Application of the Nutrition Functional Diversity indicator to assess food system contributions to dietary diversity and sustainable diets of Malawian households
The importance of soil fertility constraints in modeling crop suitability under progressive climate change in Tanzania
Can short-season grain legumes contribute to more resilient and productive farming systems in semi-arid Eastern Kenya?
Climatic gradients along the windward slopes of Mount Kenya and their implication for crop risks. Part 2: crop sensitivity
Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition Initiative: Harnessing agricultural biodiversity to reduce hunger and malnutrition
Role of wild, neglected and underutilized foods in reducing the cost of a diet in the eastern region of Baringo District , Kenya