Integrating livestock climate adaptation and peacebuilding: The Climate Security Sensitivity Tool for Livestock Systems (CSSTxLS)
Exploring peace and conflict dynamics in climate smart villages: Assessing co- benefits and risks of climate adaptation practices in West Africa
Conception d'un idéotype de territoire agroécologique pour le département de Fatick, Sénégal. Rapport d'atelier d 'idéotypage Dakar, Sénégal 2-6 septembre 2024
Dynamic for the agroecological transition (Dytael) in Fatick - Senegal. Relocalization of the millet value chain for the territorialization of agroecology
Dynamics for the agroecological transition (DyTAEL) in Fatick, Senegal. Analysis of the level of agro-ecological transition, profitability, levers and obstacles for players in the school canteen goat milk value chain
Modelling agroecological transitions in Soudano-Sahelian agro-sylvo-pastoral territories: Promoting agro-landscape transformation
Quels objectifs communs aux acteurs de la chaîne de valeur mil et de la chaîne de valeur lait pour penser leur organisation en Système Participatif de Garantie (SPG)?
CSA and CIS technologies portfolio: Access and use. A portfolio of the CSA & CIS innovations accessed and used by small -scale farmers in Kenya under the AICCRA project
Enhancing climate resilience among vulnerable communities in West Pokot County: An assessment of vulnerabilities, community-led interventions, and opportunities for scaling adaptation strategies