Does inoculation with native rhizobia enhance nitrogen fixation and yield of cowpea through legume-based intercropping in the northern mountainous areas of Vietnam?
Climate-Smart Mapping and Adaptation Planning (CS-MAP) of four provinces in Vietnam’s South Central Coast
Climate-Smart Mapping and Adaptation Planning (CS-MAP) of 12 provinces in Vietnam’s Red River Delta and Northern Midlands
Food for thought: The underutilized potential of tropical tree‐sourced foods for 21st century sustainable food systems
Physiological responses of rosewoods Dalbergia cochinchinensis and D. oliveri under drought and heat stresses
Seasonal availability, sources, preferences and use of fruits and vegetable in Hanoi Vietnam : focus group results Hà Dong and Dong Da
Who bears the burden of climate variability? A comparative analysis of the impact of weather conditions on inequality in Vietnam and Indonesia
Barrier analysis for daily fruit and vegetable consumption among low income consumers in Hanoi, Vietnam
Considering gender in pest and disease management: FAQs for gender-responsive data collection and extension work (Vietnamese).
Food policy and the unruliness of consumption: An intergenerational social practice approach to uncover transforming food consumption in modernizing Hanoi, Vietnam
Conservation agriculture for a climate-resilient and sustainable upland agriculture: A success story from a seventeen -year local program in northern Vietnam