Vietnam and Indonesia daily climate data (precipitation and temperature) per sub-geographical units 2000-2018
A model-based exploration of farm-household livelihood and nutrition indicators to guide nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions
Briefing note: Building on farmers' perception and traditional knowledge: biodiversity management for climate change adaptation strategies
Assessing the ecological vulnerability of forest landscape to agricultural frontier expansion in the Central Highlands of Vietnam
A cross-disciplinary mixed-method approach to understand how food retail environment transformations influence food choice and intake among the urban poor: Experiences from Vietnam
Food safety and nutrition for low-income urbanites: exploring a social justice dilemma in consumption policy
Household-level drivers of dietary diversity in transitioning agricultural systems: Evidence from the Greater Mekong Subregion
Muốn con khỏe mạnh lớn mau Ăn nhiều bữa với đủ màu thức ăn Củ vàng quả đỏ rau xanh Cá tôm hoặc thịt trứng ăn hàng ngày Dầu ăn, đậu đỗ thêm ngay Giúp tiêu hóa tốt mỗi ngày khỏe vui
Environmental analyses to inform transitions to sustainable diets in developing countries: case studies for Vietnam and Kenya