Long-term relationships of beef and dairy cattle and greenhouse gas emissions: Application of co-integrated panel models for Latin America
Develando oportunidades de mejora de los inventarios de emisiones de GEI para la producción ganadera en la región
Why and how to scale up low-emissions beef in Brazil, and the role of carbon markets: Insights for beef production in Latin America
A Dutch entrepreneurial development bank is using a risk assessment tool developed by the alliance with its clients.
Status and opportunities for improvement in greenhouse gas emission inventories for the cattle production in Latin America and the Caribbean region: A perspective
Biofortification to avoid malnutrition in humans in a changing climate: Enhancing micronutrient bioavailability in seed, tuber, and storage roots
Livestock practices, use of digital tools and co-design and flow of information: Brazil baseline assessment in the region of Novo Repartimento (Pará State, Brazil)
Relatoria das entrevistas e webinar para o levantamento de percepções de representantes da cadeia da pecuária sobre o desenvolvimento de recursos digitais inclusivos na implementação de boas práticas