Entomología de forrajes: Evaluación de poblaciones Pm21, BR19 y SX18 al ataque del salivazo (Hemiptera: Cercopidae)
Megathyrsus maximus breeding: General combining ability and heterosis of plant height using the North Carolina II Mating Design
Measuring ploidy in interspecific Urochloa (syn. Brachiaria) using Sysmex cyflow cytometer with DAPI Cystain UV stain: Protocol for measuring ploidy in Interspecific Brachiaria fresh leaf tissue
Estado y acciones requeridas para mejorar la contabilidad de óxido nitroso (N₂O) de la ganadería en Colombia
Towards whitefly resistance in cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz): Discovery, development, and strategy
Training and field report: Identifying and measuring the effectiveness of different combination of socio-technical innovation bundles on empowerment and resilience in Kenya
Systematic review of environmental footprints of livestock systems in African regions to develop a CLEANED benchmark table
Training of trainers (TOTs) and farmers (TOFs) on cattle and pig feed technologies in Main Son district, Son La province