Towards sustainable intensification of livestock production for improved livelihood in SEA: the case of Vietnam and Lao PDR
Assessment of feed resources availability and use for cattle and pigs in Mai Son District, Son La Province, Vietnam
Urochloa humidicola breeding: Selection based on hybrid performance in multi-environmental trial on Bh22 population
Multi-omics analysis reveals the roles of purple acid phosphatases in organic phosphorus utilization by the tropical legume Stylosanthes guianensis
Ganadería sostenible en Colombia: Diagnostico y desafíos de la implementación de los lineamientos de política para la ganadería bovina sostenible 2022-2050
Sustainable cattle farming in Colombia: Diagnosis and challenges in the implementation of the policy guidelines for sustainable cattle 2022-2050
Interspecific Urochloa breeding: RAD resequencing and SNP variant calling of a mapping population of interspecific Urochloa hybrids
Understanding farm typology for targeting agricultural development in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of Ethiopia
Marker assisted selection for reproductive mode in BR19 Interspecific Brachiaria Progeny Test with p779/p780 marker: Genotyping the BR19 progeny test for reproduction mode and finding potential facultative apomictic genotypes
Desafíos y oportunidades en el mercado de semillas de forrajes mejorados en países seleccionados del Este y el Oeste de África
Challenges and opportunities in the improved forage seeds market in selected East and West African countries