Assessing the carbon footprint of small-scale dairy cattle systems in Kenya, Africa: An application of Life cycle assessment methodology
Theory of Change for five learning labs - vegetable and maize-legume cropping systems in Ethiopia and Kenya
Reflections on scaling impact: roadmap and insight on boosting Socio-Technical Innovation Bundles across Kenya
Investing in resilience: A guide to climate risks and opportunities in Rwanda's key agricultural value chains
RGB Image Dataset of Urochloa Hybrids for High-Throughput Phenotyping and Artificial Intelligence Applications
Determinación de carbohidratos no estructurales totales en híbridos mejorados de urochola humidicola mediante espectroscopia Uv-Vis
Addressing feed gap using resilient forage-based feed options and densification: A perspective from Tunisia
Use of CLEANED to assess the productive, environmental, and economic impact of dairy farms in the Peruvian Amazon